Budget Monitor
- Original Title: ბიუჯეტის მონიტორი
- Year: 2017
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Government & Citizen Engagement
- Organisation: State Audit Office of Georgia
- Country: Georgia
- URL: https://budgetmonitor.ge/en
Budget Monitor (BM) is a unique citizen engagement web-platform of State Audit Office of Georgia (SAOG), which provides comprehensive analytical information about the public finances, designed from auditor’s perspective. BM presents key budgetary information and results of SAOG conducted audits in easy-to-interpret way using various data visualization tools, thus rises public awareness about how budget money is spent.
BM is a two-way communication platform. On the one hand,it equips citizens with sufficient information for external public scrutiny and empowers their participation in government decision making. On the other hand, platform enables them to engage constructively throughout the audit cycle. By sending audit requests and proposals, citizens are able to inform SAOG about the deficiencies in public spending. Thus, people can have profound impact on improving PFM through their participation in SAOGs audit works and following up the government responses on audit recommendations.