Mariam Kakhidze has studied Economics and Business at Tbilisi State University, Georgia. She has graduated Master in economics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany with the specialization area of Public Sector Economics. Currently working as a Senior Analyst of State Budget and Strategic Analysis Department of State Audit Office of Georgia (SAOG), she is in charge of managing strategic and operational planning of processes of the organization, as well as participating in internal processes – innovations and new projects for the improvement of the organization's performance. One of the SAOG’s projects Budget Monitor (BM) has won World Summit Award in the category of Government & Citizen Engagement.


Mariam has worked as a parliamentary researcher of National Democratic Institute (NDI) making critical economic analysis of initiated draft laws and working with the parliamentary bodies. She has also a long experience of working at oikos International - an international student organization that seeks to strengthen sustainability-oriented entrepreneurship among tomorrow's leaders and decision makers. As an executive board member of oikos International and the president of local chapter, she has led and executed numerous projects.


Co-Funded by the European Union