Integrated Court System (ICS)

Integrated Court System comprises three main systems; a Community and Advocates Portal, a Case Management System, and a Court Recording and Transcription System. CAP and CMS are fully web-based applications that are centrally hosted at Sarawak Information Systems, an industrial standard data centre. CAP serves as an information technology channel of communication and operations among the public community, which includes the clients, their advocates, and the judiciary. CMS functions to facilitate judiciary processes within the court, in particular the management of court cases. CRT is a specialized system for the real-time recording and transcribing of courtroom events. As a package, the Integrated Court System promotes productivity and efficiency for judiciary processes that benefit three main groups of people; namely the judiciary or court officials, the advocates, and the public community who are parties (plaintiff and defendants) in trial cases. The project has been successfully implemented in two eastern states in Malaysia, on the island of Borneo.